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Tips on how we can use cement safely

· polyurethene sealant,Concrete flooring,waterproofing cement,construction,materials singapore

When we think of cement, many people think it refers to only one type of substance. But did you know that cement comes in many different forms, and they are not all uniform in composition? Cement is a very general term for a group of adhesive substances that are used for construction and building. Cement comes in this fine powder that when added to water, becomes a paste that turns into a hard mass. The properties of hardened cement make it a useful material for your building and construction projects!

Why is cement so useful to us?

Cement is a vital material for the construction of new indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as infrastructures like bridges, roads, and more. You don’t need to look very hard to see the effects of concrete-- things like your home’s concrete flooring help in ensuring your safety. So why is concrete so widely used? Here are a few great uses of concrete that we can see around us.

1. It’s used in exterior walls to protect against the elements. 

Concrete may be an affordable material compared to others, but it’s one of the most durable when it comes to protecting indoor spaces against extreme weather conditions such as storms and more. They are used as an added layer of protection on exposed surfaces, and not only is concrete useful for weather-proofing, it can also protect against certain types of harmful chemicals.

2. It is useful for sealing water in/ for water tightness. 

While you might need waterproofing cementitious to ensure that your cement stays in good shape, many types of concrete can be very useful in projects where water tightness is a must. That’s why certain footbridges and paths, as well as dams and bridges, are made using cement.

3. It’s useful in laying foundations for structures. 

The most noteworthy application of concrete is that they are a great material for laying foundations. They are durable, present in large amounts, and can be used with other materials to make a stronger structure.

4. It is used in mortar for masonry construction. 

Mortar is a substance used in masonry projects. Composed of cement, fine sands, lime, and more, it is combined with water to form a pastelike substance that is used to bind building materials such as bricks, stones, and other units. Since these materials often create gaps and cannot stick to each other, mortar is used almost like glue to seal a finished structure together. 

How can we use concrete safely?

Now that you know that there are so many ways that we use concrete, it might be a bit more beneficial for homeowners or people in the construction industry like ourselves to be acquainted with how we make concrete more durable. Concrete is used in conjunction with many construction materials in Singapore to create many types of infrastructure. 

Interested in making your concrete structures last longer? I’ll share a few care tips for when you’re doing your construction project:

1. Remember to use sealants and protectors. 

While concrete is indeed durable, they do have some major weaknesses that can make them susceptible to damage. For example, you have to be careful about joints and cracks that you see on the surface of the concrete. Water can flow in and damage or rust steel beams inside, and cracks can be home to mildew, fungi, and other things that can weaken a concrete structure.  Get polyurethane sealant and other protective materials.

2. Make sure that your concrete cures properly. 

If you don’t know what curing means, it’s referring to the process where cement sets and hardens to concrete. If your cement dries at the right temperature and humidity, and you’ve double-checked that there are no gaps or imperfections while it’s setting, you’ll be good to go.

3. Avoid any chemicals that might ruin your concrete surfaces or structures. 

Once the cement has hardened, your structure should be able to withstand the toughest of structures-- only if you’ve remembered to apply those sealants and protectors. But even then, there are some chemicals or substances that can destroy these protective coatings. Chemical products with sulfates and more can be especially dangerous because they are directly harmful to concrete. Before you use heavy-duty chemical cleaners, check them out first.

Looking for waterproofing cementitious and other materials to help in your house or building’s construction project? Check out Mapei Far East’s website for more information.